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다비드 피에르 잘리콩 한불상공회의소 회장...“원조하는 나라 한국, 저개발 국가 롤모델 되어달라”
다비드 피에르 잘리콩 한불상공회의소 회장...“원조하는 나라 한국, 저개발 국가 롤모델 되어달라”
  • 월간리치
  • 승인 2015.01.12 10:26
  • 호수 71
  • 댓글 0
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해마다 한국국제교류재단(KF)과 프랑스 국제관계연구소(IFRI)가 공동으로 주관하는 한불포럼이 이번엔 한반도 통일과 동북아 통일 등을 주제로 열렸다. 한불상의 잘리콩 회장은 원조받던 나라에서 원조하는 나라가 된 한국이 전세계 저개발 국가들의 롤모델로서 활약해주길 기대하며 프랑스 역시 적극 돕겠다고 나섰다.

Q. Please explain the background and progress of the 11th Franco-coreen Forum.

A. The 11th Franco-Korean Forum is a joint initiative of the IFRI think-tank (French Institute for International relations) along with its Korean partners, the Korea Foundation and Sookmyung University. The objective of these symposiums is to bring together on a regular basis important keynote guests, scholars, and stakeholders to share knowledge and discuss various issues in the interests to both countries. Topics vary from specific matters to broader mind-opening considerations.
This year for themes were the following : the reunification of the Korean peninsula and peace of Northeast Asia, globalization and regional cooperation, social justice and how to better live together, as well as culture in the digital age. My presentation, for example, named the Era of smart in Korea was focusing on how the new technologies calls smart are perceived in Korea compared to France.

Q. Please tell me about France government’s efforts and non-governmental efforts which are great help for the successful operation for the unification of Germany and EU system.
Moreover South Korea longs for the reunification of Korea and cooperation with other countries of the world. What do you think the France’s role is?

A. There are two common points between the foundation of what is the European Union today and the reunification of Germany. First of all, their underlying objective is to promote peace by preventing border disputes and alleviating the aftermath of WW2. Secondly, both were mainly government driven.
Regarding these tow, France’s role was much more paramount in the foundation of the EU as it was one of the six founding nations of the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) which was the grassroots of today’s Union. Indeed, based on the experience of the treaties which put an end to WW I who triggered much bitterness and led to further violence, the French Government acknowledged the fact that peace was obtained through mutual understanding and sharing as well as through economic interdependence. That is why in 1952 the ECSC was set up to mutualize interests and stakes at a supra-national level.

As for the unification of Korea, the role of France, like any third party country, is to provide knowledge sharing and constructive input should it be requested by the main stakeholders and, more importantly support the process by recognition the newly created entity should it be in line with its international policy, especially as a permanent member of Security Council of the United Nations. The unification between the two Koreas should be done within an integrated system with others countries, first with north Asians ones, but as well their main partners, to maintain stability and predictability in the region. In this regards, France will give its support, and European experience.

Q. France is doing their utmost to support underdeveloped area or nations.
What should South Korea have to make an effort to be a partner with underdeveloped area or nations?

A. With nearly 10 billion euros per year, France is the fourth largest contributor of official development assistance (ODA). It is the second largest contributor percentage of gross national income (GNI), with 0.46%. Africa is the largest recipient of French ODA (55%), especially sub-Saharan Africa (41%).

As a member of the G20 nation, Korea has a social responsibility to contribute to the advancement of underdeveloped nations. This partnering with lesser developed economies is what will allow Korea to further reinforce its role a global player.
Its support is even more relevant as Korea has been able, in a few decades, to rise from to an aid recipient to an aid donor country; it thus not only better understands the challenges faced by the nations which are in need, but can also be a source of inspiration acting as a true role model. South Korea has embraced its new role with sincere and effective actions.

Q. For the mutual development between South Korea and not only France but also European countries, a relationship promotion may be needed. Please assess the present situation of cooperation and share your opinion about its future prospects.

A. Today the links between Korea and France, and more generally Europe, are already very strong. Just to give one example, the EU is the first foreign direct Investor in Korea and, among European investors in Korea, France, ranks second in 2013 behind the Netherlands with an estimated 530 million USD of investment in 2013 for a stock of almost 3.5billion USD (TBC). French companies employ 28,000 peoples in Korea. These strong ties are also visible through trade. The EU is the third trading partner with Korea for a total value de 105 billion USD and a free trade agreement has been signed between both partners in 2011.
These overall figures should not overshadow the ongoing bilateral technical partnerships. For instance, a letter of intent regarding collaboration between the two counties in the field of R&D was just signed between the minister of finance and industry of France M. Macron and his Korean counterpart Mr. Yoon Sang-jick and a joint forum for Innovative Industry was held on Monday November 24.
Theses collaboration are due to be strengthened as, in their own way, both France and Korea will be facing the challenges of slowing global economy, an aging population and an industrial growth engine to be reinvented and as both have identified similar ways to overcome them through innovation and creativity.
The coming France Korea, exchanges years 2015/2016 will be a good opportunity to reinforce our global cooperation and to showcase the strong links between our two countries.

Q. What are the benefits and the difficulties of the investment of European capital, including direct investment, in South Korea; do you have any suggestions for improvement about it?
It is hard for foreign companies to operate in South Korea, what is your point of pessimistic and optimistic view about it?

A. Please allow me to answer these two questions jointly as they are very much linked.
First of all I would like to point out that over 200 French companies operate successfully in Korea. The trade volume between France and Korea is steadily growing. In has increased by 38% in the last 5 years. Korea has a dynamic economy and is in the center of a key regions of the world. Additionally Korea provide strong infrastructure (Transport, IT) but as well very qualified manpower. Therefore Korea is a place worth to invest, however two points need to be address:
-The lake of predictability. Indeed, not only regulations are complex and specific but they change quickly, faster that what is viable for companies to adjust their business model. Sometimes the changes are even retroactive which is can prove very burdensome from an organizational and strategic point of view. Poor predictability is also caused by different interpretation or regulations, governing a single situation depending on what administrative body are concerned.
-The declining competiveness: as salary continues to increase at a rhythm higher than the inflation. Salary negotiations every year are very tense.
I remain optimistic, as the Korean government did open dialogue with us on those matters and are willing to support us for example one the subject of deregulation. But the question is: Could it be delivered through the complex Korean legislative system. And how soon?

Q. You are known as an architect and a man who run business about urban environment design. How long have you been living in Seoul? Is there anything which needs to change?

A. I have lived 18years in Seoul and I have seen so many changes and certainly the quality of life did improved a lot. I have noticed especially two points:
-The improvements of the public space, such as Kwanghwamun plaza, Cheongaecheon… We are glad to have participated with the foot bridges designed by our office: one in front of the Marriott: central point bridge, one next to Seoul art center: Aqua art bridge which were intended to be more than a bridge but an event for the city.
-The general quality of the new buildings did improve and becomes closer to the international standard. In the same time, new landmark buildings have been built in Seoul playing an important role in term of public education. In this regards, I was very pleased to see the public reaction praising one building we recently designed the Oman Embassy which now part of the national built heritage day tour organized by city hall. But in the same time, Seoul is still a city in progress, and nobody can tell what will be its shape in the future. From my point of view two elements should be improved:
- The urban logic is still difficult to understand: It is probably because the urban development is done by portion of territory (New town principle) without clean strategy.
- The architectural vocabulary is not yet clearly defines for each district which only defines architecture in terms of quantity instead of quality and identity, giving sometimes the impression of chaos. But again, I’m confident with the Seoul citizen awareness improving that Seoul will be soon one of greatest city in the world and we hope our company D.P.J. & Partners, as a design firm to be part of it. 

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